You are a space racer and your engineer just fixed up your engine, but unfortunately it's powered by a probability drive. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. At least when it's slow, and inertial kick can spin it into a better gear, if it doesn't send you flying into an asteroid instead. Drifting can kill the engine when needed, but the drive starts going crazy for some reason.

Keyboard: WASD and arrow keys to turn. Spacebar to drift. ESQ to exit to menu.

Gamepad: D-pad and left joystick supported. X (playstation) or A (xbox) to drift. Square or B to return to menu.

Drifting causes the die to spin as does accelerating, crashing, or collecting a checkpoint.  Drifting also increases turning speed.


Lost Attic LLC (Scott Prager, Meg Owenson)

BlueMoons (programmer, designer)

Rob Scales (music)

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